HVAC Manufacturer's Representative(732)893-8585

IAQ is top-of-mind for all of us in the construction industry

Whether working from home or returning to the office, the conversation around the water cooler is still very much indoor air quality (IAQ). Each building will have different needs to address whether upgrading current units or installing retrofit HVAC units. There is not a simple, single solution to address the concerns and it requires much thought. Although ASHRAE encourages increasing outside air (OA) and filtration while maintaining cooling performance, the units may not have the motor and coil capacity to be able to implement.

Listed below is Lumalier, an IAQ manufacturer that can provide solutions that don’t create a drag on your motor or coils. Find out more information about the Newton-Metallo IAQ manufacturers.


Lumalier commercial in-duct UV fixtures provide facility-wide disinfection of airborne infectious pathogens that can cause respiratory sickness, disease, and infection. Additional benefits include coil cleaning, reduced maintenance, and energy savings.
Learn about the many beneficial aspects of UV light, including its ability to neutralize pathogens.

Author: Newton Metallo

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